Atomfall | Coming 2025

A screenshot of a British landscape with greenery and rolling hills. A power plant appears in the background with a lightening bolt striking it. A mysterious construction in the shape of a figure is also visible, alongside a dilapidated house. The white Atomfall logo is clearly visible, alongside an old fashioned red telephone box which appears front and centre.

Fight, Survive and uncover the truth in Atomfall

Announced at the Xbox Games Showcase, Atomfall will be a day one release on Game Pass and will launch simultaneously on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows PC, PC via Steam and Epic Games Store and PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 in 2025.

Atomfall is a new single player survival-action game set in post-war Britain, with players exploring a mysterious nuclear quarantine zone in the North of England. Take a sneak peek of what’s to come in this green and unpleasant land with Atomfall’s reveal trailer:

Click Here to watch Atomfall’s Reveal Trailer on YouTube. 

Where is Atomfall set?

Inspired by the real-life events of the 1957 Windscale disaster in the North of England, you pick up the story five years after the fire in a fictionalised quarantine zone. A lot has changed in this time and you’ll need to explore this hostile world and navigate bizarre characters, mysticism, cults and murky government agencies.

A Screenshot of a character holding a gun centred in the middle of the shot. Behind him is a wonderful British landscape, with a church and lots of other buildings and greenery. On the right is a sign reading "Wyndham Lake District".

Defend yourself with a selection of weapons (including pistols, SMGs, bows and arrows and more) and if that’s not your style, feel free to give your enemies a whack with a cricket bat. Supplies are scarce in Atomfall. You will need to hunt and scavenge for resources including food, crafting materials, weapons and ammunition. Your metal detector will help you scavenge and unearth other secrets too…

What is ‘Protocol’?

In response to the disaster, the army has been sent in to create and maintain a quarantine zone. This response force is known as ‘Protocol’. They are the ones tasked with keeping people safe – but after five years, their outlook has soured. 

You will learn more about Protocol as you interact with them – and the people they seek to control – over the course of the game. Are they a force for good, keeping people safe? Are they a force of oppression, making life harder for those in the quarantine zone? Or is there more going on than meets the eye?

Protocol are using all the resources at their disposal to maintain the quarantine. This includes scavenging equipment from B.A.R.D. (British Atomic Research Division) science bunkers. The robots are programmed to do everything necessary to maintain the quarantine. You need to make sure you know what you are doing before choosing to take one on.

The character POV is first person, you are holding a flash light in your right hand. Infront of you is a striking yellow B.A.R.D robot walking towards you. The robots left arm is a gun and the right arm is a claw. Within the background the scenery is dark.

Atomfall is an original title that comprises single player gameplay and story elements which are brand new for Rebellion. We will be revealing more about Atomfall soon. 

Navigate to the official Atomfall website to Wishlist Now, and read our blog for Frequently Asked Questions.

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